Sunday, 2 June 2013

Facing Reality continued.......

Now where was I?

Let me do myself the honors of welcoming me back. You are welcome back child of Edward.

I was talking about the many definitions of reality, and people defining it in the different ways they have come to understand it.

Well I'm gonna try to define my own reality the way I understand it to you,

I remember getting a call from my mum one day, and she said to me: some one has come to ask your hand in marriage. And am like some one? some one i don't know? some one who i didn't give the permission? I don't have anybody in my life right now who would have the intention of coming to ask my hand in marriage. YES. I didn't even have a 'boyfriend', so it was one hell of a surprise. I asked the very necessary question: WHO IS HE? Trust my mum, she begins to give the 'bestest' descriptions.

I finally  got the picture, then I asked: why didn't he ask my opinion before coming to you? She says: he was just being a responsible gentle man...................................

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